PiACTIVE™ Review – Paul MacKinnon
Paul MacKinnon – September 05, 2017
I just felt that I had to write and tell you my story as it relates to your PiACTIVE insect repellant. A relative of mine had stopped over at our house on his way to Saskatchewan, and somehow the subject got around to bugs. He told us about this great new product that doesn’t stink and works! I was preparing to go on a multi-day paddling trip in northern Manitoba, and when I was in Cabela’s I saw and remembered your product, so I picked up a container. While we were away, the mosquitoes were thick every night, but thankfully the flies were almost non-existent. All 3 of us ended up using PiACTIVE and the recommendation was bang on – the mosquitoes left us alone and we didn’t go to bed reeking!
That however is not the best part of my story. On the second day, my 2 paddling companions (who were in a canoe) went through a set of rapids and unfortunately tipped over. Luckily very little was lost – the only missing items were a bug jacket, a duplicate set of maps and our compass. Well imagine our surprise when we realized that my insect repellent had a compass built right into the lid! I quickly fastened it to the front of my kayak for easy access. For the rest of the trip, we relied on your amazing product to keep the bugs away and to keep us on track. Whoever came up with the idea to include the compass (and the whistle) is a genius and a lifesaver!
I would have recommended this product to anyone I talked to, just based on the insect repellent aspect alone. But now I will give an extra endorsement to all my back-country adventuring friends as well.